Top 10 Point & Click Games

These are my top 10 favorite point & click games, available on STEAM! The Last Door series was going to be a part of this list, but I figured I had far too much to say about it to put it in a top 10 list. This list is just a basic one, as I will be going into more detail of the games I've chosen, when they get their own reviews (I'm basically just copying over what their STEAM pages say, because who better to explain it the the dev themselves LOL). It was really hard to choose, because point & clicks are some of my all time favorite games. 10. Fingered Fingered is an investigative police sim, where you have to take what the witness say and identify the right criminal. However, everyone has a different perspective, so who is right? Can you find the guilty man? 9. Shiver A beautiful and chilling point & click adventur...