My Worst Nightmare: Ocean Desolation
This game is my worst nightmare in 3D graphics. If you don't know, I have Thalassophobia. Now don't get Thalassophobia and Aquaphobia mixed up. Aquaphobia is the fear of water itself. Thalassophobia is the intense fear of deep bodies of water like lakes, the ocean, and rivers.
In this game, you fall off your ship in a storm. You wake up, floating in the ocean on a wooden raft. In the distance you see a bell buoy. Following the lights you end up back at your raft with a box on it. On top of the box is a letter telling you what needs done. In order to complete the tasks, you need to swim from place to place in the ocean, all while disturbing sounds and invisible creatures stalk your every move.
What scared me about this game is the unknown. You're jumping into the ocean without being able to see anything around you and you have no idea what may be lurking under the depths. I could handle the monsters and creatures that torment the main character, but what I can't deal with is real things like sharks. I'm not scared of sharks. I love seeing them in aquariums. However, I've had one to many encounters with sharks and that, mixed with thalassophobia, is enough to keep me out of the ocean, and even cause mild anxiety when playing games or watching movies with themes of sharks or the ocean. (half underwater shots are the WORST!)
I loved this game so much, I just wish the ending was a little more satisfying and that more of my questions were answered. It is closely related to a walking simulator, which I love, but for the grand price of FREE, why not try it? I highly recommend it, even if you're like me and the ocean freaks you out LOL!
I apologize it's been so long since my last post. There has been a lot going on, so I can't promise my posting schedule with become more regular, but I do have several games to review and will get them done when I can. Happy gaming!
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