
Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts this past month. There's been a lot of life changes that I'll explain below.

No more PC
So my PC completely died, like wouldn't charge or anything. Dead, no hope. That's what the professional I took it to said. Thankfully he was able to pull my drive to save all my files and photos, which was my biggest concern. I'm working on finding a new one, but I'm not sure when that will be. Until then, I will be using my Switch and discovering some awesome mobile games!

So about two weeks ago I had to get carpal tunnel surgery on my right wrist. Unfortunately, I'm right handed. Basically, Carpal tunnel surgery, also known as carpal tunnel release, is a procedure that relieves pressure on the median nerve by cutting through the carpal ligament to make more space for the tendons. Due to this surgery, I have to be off for 6 weeks from work. My strength and grip is not very good, due to the procedure and it hurts to overuse my hand. Because of this, I haven't really been able to do much gaming. However, I'm hoping once I get the stitches out that I'll be able to start working more than I am to grow strength back, which then can lead to more gaming 😂

Exciting News 
So on July 1st, my boyfriend and I celebrated our one year dating anniversary. Well, he decided that instead of dating, we should start wedding planning. He proposed! Yup, your girl is now on her way to be a wifey! We're both very excited, but we're getting married in less than 4 months, so we are having to speedrun this planning thing. We're also going to be moving into our own apartment, which will take a good chunk of time. Regardless of that, I'm still going to game when I'm able. My fiance is a huge gamer, so maybe I'll even have him write some posts. 

Thank you all for hanging with me, and I will hopefully get a new post up soon! I do have a review of It Takes Two in the works, so hopefully I'll get that out soon. Until then, stay cool and happy gaming!


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