Sketchy Individuals

My husband and I came across this game when we saw it pop up in a YouTube video. We watched through the first level before we both realized we wanted to play it. It strongly reminded me of the game Fingered, which I've reviewed in an earlier post.

In this game, you play as a police sketch artist, tasked with drawing the criminals described by their victims. Don't worry, there's no actual drawing involved haha. You go through each description, picking the option that best fits with what the victim says, then looking at the line up to best match your drawing. There are 10 levels, each progressively getting harder and harder. What bothered me the most was that it didn't tell you if you got the person right or wrong at the end of each level. At the end of the game, you find out how many you got wrong and how many you got right. The whole playthrough took me about 15 - 20 minutes in total, so relatively short, but lots of fun!

This game was created by Shawcat (Programming, writing, design), with the help of Maeve Williams (Art, writing, design) and Tyler (Graphic design, Writing, Design) on for Shawcat's 100k Game Jam with the theme of mismatch, which ran from May 17th, 2024 to May 19th, 2024. This game jam gave devs 48 hours to complete their games, which absolutely blows my mind that anyone could do that in such a quick amount of time, even if they were to go without sleep for those hours.

I highly recommend this game if you enjoy puzzles, having to make tough choices, or just want something short to play. This game is only available on PC to play in browser, so it will not work on the app for If you play, let me know your score! Mine was 7/10.

Happy Gaming!


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