31 Days of Spooks: Days 9-18

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I missed so many days... Things have been crazy with family birthdays, bridal shower, a new job, and more. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up after this post! 

9th - Cooking Mama


Cooking Mama is known world wide and is an amazing game based around cooking. Well, this version is a little different. This Cooking Mama game has a dark twist where you're preparing a turkey and gravey. This game was created by PETA, so that should say something about the content. Personally, I liked this game. I was first introduced to it when I saw Jacksepticeye play it. Some parts of it were more difficult, especially with the timer, but overall, it's a nice little homage to the Cooking Mama franchise.

10th - Little Bus Ride of Horror


So my dumb brain thought that this was a game. I was wrong. Turns out it is actually a little comic book. I already had it written into the plan for review, so why not! Basically, you follow a little kid on his adventure on the school bus. It starts with him at the bus stop. He's quickly joined by a female student who is.... kinda gross. Harsh, but true. It follows the story of our poor protagonist who, unfortunately, has to share his seat with the annoying girl from the bus stop. This comic is super gross in all honesty, and reminds me a lot of Ren & Stimpy. I can't really say I recommend reading it, but I leave that to you.

11th - Itchy Scratchy

Itchy Scratchy is a super short, point and click game where you are tasked with helping a poor man with an incurable itch. You click around on the man's back, where indicated, to scratch. However, sometimes when you scratch too much, there are dire consequences. Normal gameplay can take around 5 minutes, and it's a good time killer game, available for free on STEAM. If you want something quick to play, this could be a good option for you.

12th - Four Children


Four Children is a short point and click game where you progress by clicking around on blocks. It's about a 10 minute experience and was created in a few days because the dev wanted to do some experiments with sound and atmosphere. It was a game where I craved more, I wanted more to the story. I wanted to know what happened to the children, what happened to the father, and why people said the father deserved it. The gameplay may have been lacking, but was still fun, but that story had me so intrigued! I really hope the dev is able to expand on the story, I'd love to know more!

13th - Little Scared Riding Hood (DEMO)


This game demo was wayyyyy too short. It is two pages, point and click, and takes less than 3 minutes to complete. It honestly doesn't have enough content for me to review strongly, but it did intrigue me and I do want to play the whole game, so that I can figure out the storyline. If you do decide to try the demo, just know there is a TW for implied suicide.

14th - The Insanity


The Insanity is a challenging, creepy, atmospheric point and click horror game. Your goal is to escape this horrifying place and escape from the deranged medical staff of the facility. The atmosphere wasvery well done, but the music started to drive me crazy after a while. Eventually I got stuck in the game and ended up quitting because I was getting frustrated and tried to look up a walkthrough, but I wasn't able to find one. Overall, I recommend playing this game, and I hope to revisit sometime when I have more availability.

15th - Three Blind Mice

Three Blind Mice is a short, point and click, horror questionnaire. This is the game that got me into horror questionnaires. The atmosphere, the creep factor, the unsettling feeling that comes with it all, I love it! This one is mostly themed around the Three Blind Mice nursery rhyme, which, I already find nursery rhymes creepy. This game takes about 15 minutes to complete and is available on STEAM for free! This is one game I strongly recommend!

16th - Let's Play

Mobile Game

Yay! Crappy mobile game review! Okay, this one wasn't too bad in all reality. If it weren't for all the ads, I'd really enjoy it. This game is called Let's Play and each chapter is a different story where you play one of the main characters. You have to solve very simple puzzles and make choices that affect the story. They have ads that say you can do certain things or obtain certain items if you watch, but usually end up giving you the item anyway since it's a vital part of the story (ex. A flashlight in chapter 1) Over all, it's not awful, but it's not great. I personally like it as a short time killer game, but not something I'd sit down and play for a while on end. I recommend trying it out to get your own opinion on it 

17th - Bohemian Killing

Okay, so I just completed my first playthrough of this game, and it's absolutely amazing!

You play as a man, convicted of murdering a young woman in your hotel room. Your job is to prove your innocence by recalling what happened that evening.
At a playthrough time of about 45 minutes to 1 hour, this game is a great time killer! (Haha, get it? Killer? Somebody shoot me...) The game also has a total of 9 different endings, so be sure to try and get them all!
The game is available through Steam or Nintendo Switch.

18th - Suspicious Downpour

Suspicious Downpour is a short, atmospheric horror game. Personally, I really enjoy it! It's short, sweet, and simple. You play as a camper whose only tool you interact with it a flashlight. You have to shine the light on glowing eyes watching you from the forest, not knowing what you may find. (Hint, at one point you'll need to use the "N" key on your keyboard). Gameplay can last anywhere from 5-15 minutes, and the atmosphere is absolutely haunting. It was made within 48 hours, and I think for that timeframe, it's well done! Highly recommend, and you can play it for free on STEAM.

Again, I apologize for falling so far behind. Had a few crazy days, but I'll get caught up. Tomorrow will be the 19th and 20th. Thanks for sticking with me and understanding, you guys are awesome!!


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