Left or Right? Playable or Not?

Left or Right is a game I've seen SO many ads for, and all the ads look the same. I was never super interested in them, but I figured why not give it a try and see if I can stop seeing those darn ads. So, I installed this version of the Left or Right game.

If you don't know what the Left or Right game is, basically it started as a trend on Tik Tok where one person would be holding and option in either hand and another person would be sitting in front of them with their eyes close or looking right at the camera. The person who was sitting would then choose either the person's left hand or the right hand without knowing what they were choosing. That was basically the gist of this game, only I knew what I was picking and had to dress the character up to dance and battle against other characters. Yeah... kinda weird. Also, kinda defeats the purpose of what the Left or Right game is, but to each his own.

So, I download the game and start to play. I'm enjoying it for about 3 seconds before I get slammed with ads. Like, SLAMMED with ads. It was completely ridiculous. There was an ad halfway through each level, one at the very end, and one that would randomly pop up from the bottom of my screen (9/10 times this caused me to click on the ad and take me to some website about whatever the ads was).

I tried so hard to give this game a fair chance, because I actually liked parts of it, but I didn't even get 3 levels in before I hardcore rage quit. It was completely ridiculous and a waste of time.  If you want to try it and build your inner rage, but for me, this game goes in the dumpster! 


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