HELP ME!.... With this puzzle. Help Me Puzzle is a mobile game where you control jelly shapes through different themed obstacles. 

There's levels such as guiding a jelly egg through a chicken to lay it, giving a patient a shot, gardening carrot and other plants, making a sandwich, and operating on Frankenstein.

I really loved this game, but the ads.... Oh my gosh the freaking ads. If the ads had just been after each level, I could have handled that. That's normal for a lot of mobile games. However, this game had ones that popped up and took up half of the screen. They didn't pop up at a certain time, they just randomly would show up. This was frustrating due to the fact that I would be working on a puzzle and one would pop up, causing me to accidentally click on it. This would then remove me from the game and open the ad in my browser. I got really tired of having to restart the levels because of this. Unfortunately there's no way to get rid of ads, or even pay to remove them.

In total, there are 49 levels (totally bothers me that there's not 50 LOL). At the end the game says to stay tuned for further updates for more levels, but I don't expect those anytime soon. 

Overall, I do recommend this game for something quick to cure boredom. It doesn't take super long to get through all 49 levels, and if you can get past the irritating ad part, it can be really enjoyable to the right players.

Happy Gaming! 🎮


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