Hope Lake: What Happened at this Boarding School?


    Hope Lake is a point-and-click adventure about a mystery surrounding the disappearances of girls from the boarding school, several years after the school had been abandoned and the girls grown up. The untimely death of the Governess plays a key role in finding out the mystery of the missing girls. You play as Detective Kelly Wells, who is determined to figure out what is going on.

    I personally LOVED this game. Normally I don't enjoy hidden item games, but the way they use that mixed with how they also include puzzles and mystery makes for a great game. Some of the puzzles were easy, some had mild difficulty, and then there were 2-3 that I needed help on. Thankfully my boyfriend is better at certain puzzles than I am and was able to help me with those extra difficult ones.

    I really enjoyed the storyline as well. It took twists and turns that I wasn't expecting and built up the world to make a very immersive for the whole experience. The whole experience took me about an hour and a half to complete, which for the price of $8 on STEAM, I think is a fair price for what you get. I also really liked how the devs used animated cut scenes, that honestly reminded me of the ones from Sanitorium, which I will be doing a review on eventually. 

    Overall, I really enjoyed this game, highly recommend checking it out, and I cannot wait to check out more from the dev and see what they come up with in the future. Their latest 2 games were posted to STEAM in 2020, so I'm unaware if they're still putting out work, but I sincerely hope they are. If not, I hope the devs are still working in the field of game development either personally or with another team. 



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