Update Time! 😊

Hi all! I know posts have been rolling out slowly, but I promise, I have a good reason why! About a month ago, I started a new job working as a security officer for a local hospital. This has been a huge blessing, as it has provided me with more income and been a better fit for me. I appreciate you all having patience as I adjust to this new career, as it is mentally and physically exhausting, but also a different shift than I had worked for the past couple years.
In addition to the job, I also am working on 2 much, MUCH larger posts that are taking me a while to complete, but I'm so excited for them! I think they'll be ones you all will really enjoy. 
Hopefully life calms down and I adjust to all the changes quickly, so I can get back to doing at least weekly posts. Thank you for understanding! ❤️
Until then, enjoy a picture of my dog LOL


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