I'm back??? + Fate Puzzle Review

     Guess who's back!!! Okay, 3 year hiatus... Guess I have some explaining I should do. Basically, I got bored. Life got busy, and I didn't have a ton of time for video games, even mobile. When I did have the time, it wasn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to spend time with my friends and family. I had side jobs I was doing. All the fun stuff haha. 

     Anyways, I'm back now and will likely be doing more blogging in the future. I'll be reviewing a mix of mobile games, browser games, STEAM games, and console games (specifically Switch). Speaking of reviews, I'm going to include a quick review of a mobile game I've recently been playing called "Fate Puzzle". 

     Fate Puzzle is a free mobile puzzle game where you have to unalive people. Yup. That's it. You have to solve puzzles to kill people. It may sound disturbing, and sure, maybe it is, but the cartoon style and silly sound effects make it a goofy time. 

     My main issues with the game are that the puzzles often get repetitive, just different scenes. I played to level 250 and there were several puzzles that were the same, but had different characters. I also wasn't a fan of how easy most all of the puzzles were. Puzzles are meant to make you think, especially in games like this, but I found myself blasting through them with ease, only having slight trouble on handful. 

     My favorite levels were in the 170-190 range, so I was disappointed that it took so long to find levels I fully enjoyed, and had been tempted to uninstall it several times. However, if you're looking for a game that is just a simple time killer for when you're waiting in the dentist office for your long awaited root canal or dying of boredom in a parent-teacher conference, I highly suggest you check this game out! 

     Do I still have it installed on my phone?.... Yes, yes I do. Will I delete it now that I have done this review?.... Probably not. 

     Thanks for taking the time to check out my review and I look forward to providing more content on a hopefully regular basis. Have a wonderful day!


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