Hey everyone! Sorry for the delayed update. This is just gonna be a short and sweet post about some changes that will be made and about how I will be handling posts. So keep reading!
     - I will be doing weekly posts on Saturday and Sunday. This works best with my work schedule, and will allow me to ensure the time to provide the best content for you!

     - Update posts, and random posts may show up, if I have more free time during the week. 

     - If, for some reason, I can't post on one of the schedules days, I will post as soon as I can and provide  an explanation to the best of my abilities.

     - On Saturday and Sunday, posts will not be posted at a certain time. I will get them out as soon as I can 

     - I would love to get game suggestions from you, and feedback on what kind of content you'd like to see!

     That's all for now! If there are any questions, feel free to contact me. I hope you all stay healthy; and remember, don't touch your face, wash your hands, and be kind to each other!
     Happy Gaming! 🖤🎮🖤


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