Angela’s Odyssey

Sorry this post is getting out late, this past week was insane. Anyways, I hope you’re all staying healthy and sane with this virus and quarantine thing going on. Scary stuff, but that’s why we have video games; to distract us from this world! Anyway, let’s begin with the review!
Today I will be reviewing a short point & click game, available for free on STEAM. Said game is titled Angela’s Odyssey. This game is so stinking adorable! I’m not entirely sure of what the storyline is supposed to be, but that’s pretty much the only downside to this beautiful and brightly colored game.
Plot-wise, what I do know, is that you follow a girl, who turns into a fox. That's it. That's all I know. In all reality, just knowing this about the story doesn't bother me, due to the fact that the rest of the game is really good!
When I first saw this game, I was thinking it would be a controller/WASD controlled game,not a point and click. However, I think this works for the game, due to how simple the rest of the game is.
There's not really much in the way of challenges, except for an epic battle with a T-Rex that took me a while to figure out. There are a few other puzzle aspects, but they aren't all that difficult.
This game is available for FREE on STEAM and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a short time killer. I think play-through took me about 20 minutes.
Sorry that this review is so short. Things in life have been crazy with work and the virus. The place where I work is closed down for the next two weeks, at least, but I still have to go in. Since it's closed, it will give me more time to work on writing up reviews, so that I can hopefully have them on a more regular basis. Thank you for your patience! 



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