5 Flash Games

Five Flash Games
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     So I haven't had a ton of time to play games recently, with work and all (YAY ADULTING!). So before work today I played a s few short online flash games available for free to the public. These games will be rated 1-5, five being my least favorite. Enjoy!

5: Nightmares of Leia Ray
Image result for nightmares of leia ray walkthrough
      Nightmares of Leia Ray is a game that is available on several online sites. It's a short indie game developed by Luka_M, about a young woman, Leia. Leia was a young woman who was a victim of a car crash. The game practically plays out her visions/dreams just before she passes. However, that's not what my thoughts were. 
     I honestly, at first glance, thought the game was about a much graver topic; child abuse. This is my opinion, judging from the visuals, as well as notes and other things you have to interact with. The dark and twisted imagery is simultaneously beautiful, but has an unnerving effect.
     Since I'm doing reviews of five games, I do have to keep things short and sweet. Overall, Nightmares of Leia Ray is a game that is pleasing to the eye, and disturbing to the senses. If you enjoy short point & click games, with some jump scares, this is the game for you!

4: Crazy Circus Game
HTML5 coded Webgame

     Now this is game is a gem I just randomly stumbled upon. Crazy Circus Game was developed by Sour Apple Studios (you'll see her again on this list). This game was not what I was expecting it to be. It's another point & click game, and also like a choose your own adventure. Your goal is to find all the hidden endings. That's it. A choose your own adventure and get all the endings.
     This game had beautiful colors, and cute graphics. You can easily tell a lot of love, time, and effort was put into this short and simple game. If you're looking for a game to just kill some time with, or you're curious about all the endings, this game is for you!

3: Seven Days in Purgatory
Image result for seven days in purgatory game

     Seven days in purgatory is basically a cheap, cute version of Papers, Please. It is absolutely adorable, with bright colors and cute characters! The basis of the game is very simple; choose if a person goes to heaven or hell. Your goal is to send them to the correct place, based on the paperwork brought with them. Progressively, each day gets harder.
     I think my favorite thing about this game is the adorable characters, even death is cute! If you've played Papers, Please and enjoyed it, or just want something similar to try, I highly suggest this game!

2: Short and Sweet
Image result for short and sweet game

     Okay, so I'd be lying if I didn't say that I didn't play this game like five times in a row. It literally takes less than five minutes to play, and managed to creep me out and make me laugh within that short period of time.
     Short and Sweet is another game made by Sour Apple Studios. Her artistic abilities are even more evident in this game. The graphics are smooth, and the way she brings the creep with the cute, it's a perfect mix! The only difference I wish, was that it was longer. But then we couldn't call it Short and Sweet, could we? I beg of you, please, PLEASE check this game out. It's absolutely wonderful!

1: 21 Rooms
Image result for 21 rooms game
Image result for 21 rooms game

     21 Rooms... This game was so much more than I expected it to be. Usually I don't play games that use real photos in the background. I've just never liked them, and the ones I had played were awful, to say the least. 21 Rooms was completely different. In this game, you are challenged to a game by a mysterious stranger. You are invited to the stranger's hotel, where you have to survive 21 days, locked inside, with a deranged killer.
     The game is a point and click, choose your action game. Each choice affects what happens each day and how/if you are found by the killer. You have to keep your game self rested and full by finding the unlocked rooms and resting, or by searching for food. 
     If you do happen to run into the killer, you are given a set time to escape.If you do not hide within the allotted time span, it's game over. Being rested and fed affects the amount of time you have to escape the killer. The better you take care of yourself, the better your chances of survival.
     This game was absolutely beautiful in the photography used as the backdrops, and the choices you are given can cause extreme stress, as you try and survive the grueling 21 days. I lasted 18 days before the killer caught me. I highly recommend playing this game, even if it's not really your style, you may be surprised, just like I was!



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