A Game Like No Other...

Available for free on PS4, PS5, Epic Games, and STEAM, The Light in the Darkness is a dark and educational game developed by Luc Bernard. Bernard has a mission to remind people of the events of the Holocaust, so that the victims and history are not forgotten. Bernard's grandmother was actually a caretaker who looked after children who came off the Kindertransport in the UK. The Kindertransport is German for "Children Transport". The UK took nearly 10,000 children, most who were Jewish, from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Free City of Danzing. These children were taken from Nazi controlled territories during the 9 months before the start of WW2. Often times these children were the only survivors of their family following the Holocaust. Why I Made It: Luc Bernard, Director of The Light in the Darkness (mopop.org) This being said, it's understan...