5 Flash Games
Five Flash Games So I haven't had a ton of time to play games recently, with work and all (YAY ADULTING!). So before work today I played a s few short online flash games available for free to the public. These games will be rated 1-5, five being my least favorite. Enjoy! 5: Nightmares of Leia Ray https://armorgames.com/play/34/nightmares-of-leia-ray Nightmares of Leia Ray is a game that is available on several online sites. It's a short indie game developed by Luka_M, about a young woman, Leia. Leia was a young woman who was a victim of a car crash. The game practically plays out her visions/dreams just before she passes. However, that's not what my thoughts were. I honestly, at first glance, thought the game was about a much graver topic; child abuse. This is my opinion, judging from the visuals, as well as notes and other things you have to interact with. The ...